Room Hardware

Call Points

Aged Care / Palliative Care


Over Door Lights

  • The Wireless overdoor light includes a receiver which actively looks for an active call point. When the call point is activated the overdoor light will display the corresponding colour for the type of call made.
  • These overdoor lights have been designed to be cosmetically pleasing to insure a homely feel rather than a clinical environment.
  • Overdoor lights are fully optional and not a requirement of the system.

Ceiling Pull Cords

  • Ceiling Pull Cords can either be Wireless on battery with around 1000 activations per 9V Battery or Cabled down to the nearest Call Point.
  • Reassurance LED when Pull Cord is Activated on Wireless Pull Cord, Reassurance LED on Call Point for Hard Wired Pull Cords

Wireless Pendants and Floor Mat Transmitters

  • Wireless Pendants can be used for Staff Duress, Residents who are more mobile or higher falls risks.
  • Floor Mat Transmitters are useful in Large Lounges or in Care Rooms where cables become an issue.

Door Monitoring

  • Automatically Monitor External Doors Access during specific periods of the day i.e during the Night Shift
  • Adjustable Start and End Times with the ability to Zone Doors for different schedules